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Latest Updates EMC E22-285 Exam Practice Questions and Answers
What accurately describes the positioning of a VxRail?
A. Can start small and grow with a low entry cost
B. Software-defined solution with rack-scale and integrated networking
C. Can start small and grow to hundreds of nodes
D. Converged architecture with enterprise-grade resiliency
Correct Answer: D
A company has chosen to deploy an external vCenter/PSC. They would like to use the bundled vCenter license that
comes with VxRail. What is the correct procedure to do this?
A. Contact EMC Licensing to have a replacement vCenter license generated. Next, license the newly created
vCenter.Last, deploy VxRail with external vCenter.
B. Contact VMware Licensing to have a replacement vCenter license generated. Next, license the newly created
vCenter.Last, deploy VxRail with external vCenter.
C. Log into VxRail Manager through SSH and extract the vCenter license key from the application properties file. Next,
license the newly created vCenter.Last, deploy VxRail with external vCenter.
D. Bundled vCenter license is only valid when vCenter is internally deployed. The company must provide their own
vCenter license.
Correct Answer: D
An ESRS deployment on a VxRail system with external vCenter fails with "Invalid target datastore specified". What is
required to resolve this problem?
A. Open a Service Request to involve support
B. Retry deployment through the retry button
C. Manually deploy ESRS
D. Restart vCenter services and retry the deployment
Correct Answer: D
Which VxRail Pre-Installation Site Checklist worksheet is auto-populated?
A. Network Basics
B. Switch Config Actuals
C. VxRail Network Configuration
D. Begin Here
Correct Answer: B
A company has a two chassis G Series cluster and wants to change the setup. This will require a reset of the chassis.
What is the correct procedure?
A. Reset both chassis simultaneously through the reset script
B. Reset the primary chassis first, followed by the secondary chassis, through the reset script.
C. Reset both chassis simultaneously with the mobile build server
D. Reset the secondary chassis first, followed by the primary chassis, through the reset script.
Correct Answer: B
Which VxRail Pre-Installation Site Checklist worksheet is used to generate the JSON input file used by the VxRail
Initialization wizard?
A. VxRail Network Configuration
B. VLAN Information
C. Network Basics
D. Switch Config Actuals
Correct Answer: A
A company is planning to deploy VxRail for business-critical applications. The solution should support automated
workload re-balancing. Which vSphere license is required for this solution?
A. vSphere with Operations Management Enterprise
B. vSphere Enterprise Plus
C. vSphere Enterprise
D. vSphere Standard
Correct Answer: B
During a VxRail deployment validation check, it is discovered that the Top of Rack (ToR) switches have Spanning Tree
Protocol enabled. What should be done before the implementation can proceed?
A. Confirm that ToR switch ports connected to VxRail nodes are configured to get into "forwarding" mode quickly.
B. Confirm that ToR switch ports connected to VxRail nodes have fabric-trunk enabled.
C. Disable STP on the ToR switches
D. Confirm that isolated VLANs exist on the ToRswitches for each of the VxRail networks.
Correct Answer: A
A company is planning to deploy its Virtual Desktop Infrastructure on VxRail. The solution should support 2D and 3D
high-end visualization. Which VxRail license is required for this solution?
A. vSphere Enterprise Plus
B. vSphere with Operations Management Enterprise
C. vSphere Enterprise
D. vSphere Standard
Correct Answer: C
What is a requirement for Top of Rack (ToR) switch VxRail node ports?
A. Enable Spanning Tree
B. Disable IGMP Snooping
C. Enable IGMP Querier
D. Disable Link Aggregation
Correct Answer: D
The vSAN health check is reporting errors about the stats.DB object. What could be a possible cause of this problem?
A. vSAN performance service is not enabled on one of the ESX nodes
B. vSAN health service is disabled
C. There are inaccessible/unhealthy vSANobjects
D. vSAN performance service is not enabled
Correct Answer: D
A workstation is being configured on the management VLAN ( to connect to VxRail Manager for the first-time deployment. Configuring which IP addresses on the workstation will result in a successful deployment without
having to change them during initialization?
A. and
B. and
C. and
D. and
Correct Answer: A
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